Geryville Materials Lose Appeal for Special Exception to Build 628+ Acre Quarry

Quarry BlastingOne of the first things Geryville Materials did after it was incorporated in 2004 was to file for a special exception to build a 628+ quarry on Mill Hill at the intersection of West Mill Hill Road and Kings Highway. This would destroy the quality of life of Lower Milford Township by reducing property values, requiring added municipal services, and destroying our natural resources included rare protected plants and turtles.

On September 12, 2012, the Commonwealth Court affirmed the Court of Common Pleas of Lehigh Valley rejection of the appeal by Geryville Materials of the Zoning Board decision to deny a special exception to our ordinances. This was the first of several applications to the Zoning Board.  It was filed on August 25, 2004, and hearings continued for 5 years. At that point, the Zoning Board decided to set an end time for testimony. On August 26, 2009, after the final hearing was held, the Zoning Board denied the special exception.

Gerryville Materials appealed on the ground that the Board did not have the authority to deny further continuances and that they erred in imposing the natural resource protections in our ordinances. The Court of Common Pleas of Lehigh Valley denied the appeal on all counts in Sept 2011. The decision was affirmed by the Commonwealth Court.

Geryville Materials can further appeal to the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania but we hope that the court will refuse to hear it. This is the 11th loss the Geryville Materials has suffered in the courts and hearings. They still have 2 ongoing hearing at the Zoning Board. Hopefully, these hearings will conclude this year. However, residents should continue to fight Geryville Materials whose lawyer says that they only have to win once.