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  • <strong>The Safety of our streams depends on preserving our ecosystem</strong. A quarry will endanger Hosensack Creek
  • <strong>Wetlands, plants, and animals help keep Hosensack Creek pristine</strong> Make sure your family is safe, preserve our waterways
  • <strong>The bog turtle is endangered species found in only a few places in USA, including Lower Milford Township</strong>
  • <strong>Bog turtle can be found on quarry site</strong> These turtles help ecosytem. Their presence indicates that our ecosystem is healthy.
  • <strong>A quarry would displace deer and other animals into populated areas & ultimately away from our Township.
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Lower Miolford Depends on Wise Land Management

Using land wisely is crucial for protecting ecosystem services.Supply of land is limited. We must find ways of using it wisely to protect the ecosystem services which we need for living & farming in our Township. Higher rock prices can bring new recycling technology and more effective mining of existing quarries. An increase in the price of land doesn't bring about an incentive to produce any more of it - because there can't be any more. But whether land is left wild or combined with agriculture, the survival of the services ecosystems provide - such as genetic resources, good quality soil, available water, pollination - is an essential underpinning the well being and economy of Lower Milford. A quarry adversely affects the ecosystem forever. We need to use our land wisely.


VolunteerHelp us fight for Lower Milford Township.

You can help with fundraisers, programs, publicity, and leadership.Sign up here to help LMRA. Spend as much time as you would like.


Zoning Board Hearings on Quarry Delayed

The Zoning Board Hearings regarding the application to build a quarry at West Mill Hil has been postponed until there is a resolution of the appeal of the Commonwealth Court of the Planning Commision decision. The Township has appealed the decision and LMRA has joined in the appeal. Since the decision has a important influence on how both parties will proceed, it was agreed to wait to see what the outcome will be before proceeding.


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Newsflash 4

Yesterday all servers in the U.S. went out on strike in a bid to get more RAM and better CPUs. A spokes person said that the need for better RAM was due to some fool increasing the front-side bus speed. In future, buses will be told to slow down in residential motherboards.

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Please Help us

LMRAYou membership helps pay for our legal defense. Also, strong community support is notice  to Geryville Materials that we will not permit destruction of our Township.

Please consider helping. Click here to join or donate

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